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Showing posts from 2006

Merry Christmas

5 Months between posts. This is a great example of an almost abandoned blog. Maybe Ill make one of my new years resolutions to post to the blog more often. Then again... Merry Christmas everyone.....
Things are going to start happening for me now!! Navin R. Johnson The fine folks over at boing boing had and article about black light posters. The image for the article was a picture of the infamous "hippie Mickey Mouse". The same hippie Mickey Mouse proudly displayed by me in my second grade elementary group picture . I emailed Mark the picture thinking he would get a kick out it. He did and he blogged it here . Im featured in a boingboing article. Lookout Star Wars Kid, Im the "Hippie Mickey Mouse" Guy!
"There is more stupidity that hydrogen in the Universe" Frank Zappa You know when you hear those stories, the ones that you can't believe that people are THAT stupid. You think, wow, that cant be topped? But it always does. Stupidity seems to know no bounds. I saw a snippet of the local news last night (something that I consciously try to avoid.). One of the suburbs is following suite with a few other cities and installing cameras at redlights to try and stem the tide of moron red light runners. Then the story shifted to the "does this invade your privacy" slant. They then interviewed a parade of slack jawed yokels (apologies to Matt Groening) who went on about "the violation of constitutional rights. Then came the topper. An overweight lady in her mid thirties actually made this statement: "Sometimes I run late for work and need to run a red lite or two so I'm not late" Really. That was said. I'm not exaggerating. Please by all mea

"Mickey Mouse is, to me, a symbol of independence." Walt Disney

Well the guesses came flooding in. Neither were right. I'm in the first row, first kid from the left. Yes, me, with the "hippie Mickey Mouse flashing the peace sign" shirt. To this day, my mother can not explain to me when, or how that shirt came into my possession, or more importantly WHY I was wearing it in second grade on picture day no less. I gotta admit, its pretty damn funny though. Another thing I noticed, why do they always put me next to the friggen Redskin fans???
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." Diane Arbus Since I have not one original idea in my head. Here is my version of Where's Waldo. Nom, over at NomLogic posted his third grade elementary group picture and challenged us to find him. So with apologies to the nomster, below is my second grade elementary school picture with the same challenge. No hints just blind guesses for you! And, not even a prize offered. Once again the original is so much better than the copy.
"You can discover more in an hour of play than you can in a lifetime of conversation" Unknown I graduated from public school. My son goes to an overpriced (it will be worth it in the end they tell me) Catholic parochial school. When I thumb through his homework now, I literally can only do the English and literature he brings home. Everything else is gibberish. He's in 10th grade taking chemistry and his second year of French. In 10th grade I was playing dodgeball in PE and enjoying my favorite class called Outdoor Education. Yes, Outdoor Education. This year long class consisted of the following. Every Monday, we would "learn" the rules of a particular game. Football, soccer etc. If it was raining, Chess, Backgammon and even monopoly. The following Tuesday through Friday was spent actually playing that particular game. We actually got credits toward graduation for this!!! To top that off, every other Friday, we would all bring items for a cookout, as we would h
"I usually NEVER send these out, but..." Local Habitual Email Forwarder Everyone reading this has one. You know, that person that forwards you every email they receive. The unfunny joke, the Urban Legend that you have to debunk, and more often that not a nice little virus. The ones I really hate are the "forward this to 10 people and your luck will change". Yeah, the fate of my life will improve by pawning off an email on them that they don't want. That Karma sure is strange. Hey did you see that there is a new recipe for Neiman Marcus cookies that's being sent around? Although, on the rare occasion something will be funny, like this:
"back on the track and I'm beatin' the flack..." Young, Young & Johnson Blog Peer Pressure, thats what it comes down to. The TimeCannon was enjoying one of it's many hiatus. Then Nom HAD to re-open the NomLogic. It's not fair really. When NomLogic re-opens, you can't let your blog sink lower in the cyber quicksand. No, you have to re-open YOUR blog and churn out some more long boring nostalgia stories. Not only that, SPIDEY has a friggen blog now. Time to reach down and dredge up some more "first girlfriend" stories. Can't wait, can ya.