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"..for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself."
Jessamyn West

I have raised a retard. I swear to God, the things he says and thought processes that flow through his brain never cease to amaze me. Early on in this Blog, I promoted the idea of trying to give your kids more than you had. Don't force them to work during their early high school years and instead let them enjoy their summers unencumbered. As that dickhead Dr. Phil says, "how'd that work out for ya?"

I have ended up with an unappreciative individual that is not even remotely ready for the real world. What a slap in the face that will be, standing on his own two feet. I know, I know, I reap what I sow, but that what blog is for isn't it, anonymous venting??

His outrageously expensive school, has a relatively relaxed celphone policy. You can have you phone, and actually use it in between classes. Just don't use it during class. Kinna obvious don't you think? He comes home last evening, stating that his "idiot history teacher" confiscated is celphone. The idiot also told him, since it was the second time he had got caught, he could only get the phone back by having one of his parents personally come up to the school to obtain it. He went on to say "I told him, that is MY personal property and he HAS to give it back to me at the end of class" The teacher did not. "Can you BELIEVE that he did that?" he went on to state.

Dumbfounded, I asked him SLOWLY, "so let me get this straight, this IDIOT, took your celphone (the same celphone that you don't pay a FUCKING penny for) away from you because you're STUPID enough to knowingly break the rules and use it during class not once but TWICE??!! Do you have any clue how how ridiculous the statement you just made is?"

The blank stare and glassy eyed pause told me all I needed to know.


Tegan said…

Think he's learned his lesson?
Mmmbacon said…
Wow reading back on that, someone is a bit bitter hehe. Don't get me wrong, I love him!! But its so frustrating sometimes.

And NO he didnt learn his lesson LOL....

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