All Due Respect...
The season finale of The Sopranos was tonight. For twelve weeks there has been a showdown brewing between the New York boss of bosses Johnny Sack and Tony. It was going to be a bloodbath, Armageddon, no one gets out alive. It never materialized. The Johnny Sack situation was solved by the FBI as one of his own ratted him out. It seemed a bit to tidy for me, the problems Tony wrapped up all nice and neat with a simple arrest. That being said, this was by far the finest season of the Soprano's yet. Hopefully they can top it in the final season next year.
The season finale of The Sopranos was tonight. For twelve weeks there has been a showdown brewing between the New York boss of bosses Johnny Sack and Tony. It was going to be a bloodbath, Armageddon, no one gets out alive. It never materialized. The Johnny Sack situation was solved by the FBI as one of his own ratted him out. It seemed a bit to tidy for me, the problems Tony wrapped up all nice and neat with a simple arrest. That being said, this was by far the finest season of the Soprano's yet. Hopefully they can top it in the final season next year.
Do you watch Deadwood too? Ive gotten hooked. HBO sucks though they keep us waiting over a year after a season finale. (sigh)